The 2018 Annual Conference will be preceded by an LES100 Licensing Course to be held on Thursday, 21st June, also at Trinity College Dublin. This is the introductory course in the Licensing Executives Society’s Intellectual Asset Management Series and it is designed for those who are relatively new to licensing. It is specifically aimed at: What does the course cover? An overview of IP and IP Licensing, divided into five Modules, with examples, exercises, and interaction between instructors and fellow students in each Module: How long is the course? One full day. Modules 1, 2 and 3 are presented in the morning, and Modules 4 and 5 in the afternoon. Module 5, with its negotiating and reporting sessions, is the longest of the five. Lunch is included. Instructors. LES100, as with all LES courses, is taught by LES member volunteers who are active practitioners in their fields. This joint LES and One Nucleus event will look at Intellectual Asset management for life sciences companies focusing on innovation management and strategies. The panellists will share their experience and expertise with respect to the creation, protection, assessment and commercialisation of IP and how to align with the business development strategy. We have the following confirmed as speakers: Dr Hayley French – Apitope International N.V. Will Arends – Marks & Clerk Mike Gilbert – Marks & Clerk Alison Dennis – Fieldfisher Josue Ortiz – ClearViewIP LES Scotland invites you to celebrate World IP Day at a dinner themed ‘Women Innovators’. Speaker: Moya Crawford Moya Crawford is MD of Deep Tek Ltd, a business focused on implementing innovative technology oil and gas sector, in order to maximise vessel work output subsea. Moya has been involved in recovering material from some of the world’s most famous wrecks, as well as project managing the design and delivery of multi-million deck-handling equipment contracts, and introducing the world’s first knuckle boom cranes, that use synthetic filament rope. She will share how her experience at sea, as a salvor, has enabled her to tackle the highly conservative oil and gas sector, and why she believes that combining art, science, engineering and commerce remains the foundation for sustainable growth. Moya has worked in the marine and offshore world for over thirty years, combining hands-on experience in onsite operations, with positions at executive level. Her core background is the marine salvage industry in the specialist field of deep water cargo recovery, in which she has recovered material from some of the world’s most famous wrecks. Since the early 1990’s, as Managing Director of Deep Tek Ltd, she has concentrated on taking innovative, in-house technology into the oil and gas sector. This has involved setting up a sister-company in Norway, building a technology assurance framework and harnessing leading-edge simulation, in order to create the fertile conditions in which sales of new products and services can be grown . Moya’s commitment, to both building technology-led business and marine science, underpins her position as the Chairman of SOI Group Ltd (a wholly-owned subsidiary of the University of St Andrews). She is the Chairman of the Society for Underwater Technology’s International Salvage & Decommissioning Committee. For many years she sat on the Council of the Scottish Association for Marine Science and she currently sits on the Advisory Board of the Marine Alliance for Science and Technology Scotland. This is the introductory course in the Licensing Executives Society’s Intellectual Asset Management Series and it is designed for those who are relatively new to licensing. It is specifically aimed at: What does the course cover? An overview of IP and IP Licensing, divided into five Modules, with examples, exercises, and interaction between instructors and fellow students in each Module: How long is the course? One full day. Modules 1, 2 and 3 are presented in the morning, and Modules 4 and 5 in the afternoon. Module 5, with its negotiating and reporting sessions, is the longest of the five. Lunch is included. Instructors. LES100, as with all LES courses, is taught by LES member volunteers who are active practitioners in their fields. LES B&I North-West Seminar & Meal James Balderstone is Managing Director & Principal Consultant at Lucid Networks, a specialist IT Infrastructure consultancy, based at Manchester Science Park. He has over 19 years’ experience of designing, supporting and delivering IT to the professions. Lucid specialises in managing business critical IT infrastructure, including servers, networks & cloud computing, with a focus on security. Lucid’s clients range from SME’s to large corporate firms. James is a qualified Cyber essentials ACE practitioner. This means he can help organisations become Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus certified. He is also a certified GDPR Essentials practitioner. GDPR Essentials is a data protection standard devised to assist organisations in their efforts to comply with the GDPR directive. Afternoon Seminar & Networking Drinks We are delighted to be able to host this afternoon seminar at the newly revamped ). We cannot promise premieres but the event does promise a series of interesting topics from excellent speakers on a range of legal issues relevant to everyone in the business of IP and IP transactions. To view the programme, please click here. Speakers: Trevor Cook, Wilmer Hale Adam Coughlin, Bristows LLP Antony Craggs, D Young & Co. Jonathan Moss, Hogarth Chamber Collete Rawnsley, Wiggin LLP Claire Smith, Bristows LLP Evening Seminar & Networking Drinks Speaker: Jo Costura, Intellectual Property Transaction and Technology Licensing Manager EAME, Caterpillar UK Working closely with engineers, IP lawyers and patent attorneys, she has responsibility for scoping, defining and negotiating technology development agreements and licenses with external industrial or academic partners related to Intellectual Property rights and technology licensing. Full delegate, including conference and socials Socials only tickets Wednesday networking drinks reception Thursday gala dinner
Managing Director, Deep Tek Ltd
Managing Director & Principal Consultant at Lucid Networks
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