LES100 Training Course

Date: June 17, 2019
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Location: CIPA Office (2nd Floor, Halton House, 20-23 Holborn, London EC1N 2JD).
One Day Training Course kindly hosted by CIPA

The LES100 Licensing Course will be held on Monday, 17th June 2019 at the CIPA Office 

This is the introductory course in the Licensing Executives Society’s Intellectual Asset Management Series and it is designed for those who are relatively new to licensing.

It is specifically aimed at:

  • Those who are considering a career in licensing and technology transfer,
  • Lawyers and Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys looking for greater familiarity with the business of IP licensing,
  • SMEs who require an introduction to licensing,
  • Entrepreneurs who need to understand the value of their IP,
  • Professors of entrepreneurship and
  • Students interested in learning the basics of Intellectual Property (IP) and how to commercialise IP through licensing.
What does the course cover?
An overview of IP and IP Licensing, divided into five Modules, with examples, exercises and interaction between instructors and fellow students in each Module:
  • Module 1: Introduction & IP Basics: This Module introduces, defines and gives examples of the different types of IP including patents, trademarks, copyright, designs and trade secrets in the context of commercialisation.
  • Module 2: Basics of IP Commercialisation & Licensing: Introduction to Licensing, including reasons for licensing, description of licensing agreements, infringement, competition law, and relationship-building.
  • Module 3: Determining Reasonable Licence Fees & Royalty Rates: This Module talks about risks and rewards, different valuation methods (Market, Financial, Cost) and their pros and cons, together with royalty structures.
  • Module 4: Managing Risks: Identify the different kinds of risk and how to manage them, i.e. confidentiality, infringement, liability, collection of royalties and other fees.
  • Module 5: Licensing Game: Students put into practice what they have learned by dividing into licensee and licensor teams that then discuss and negotiate terms on a licensing case study. At the end of the sessions all teams report their results and reasoning.
How long is the course?
One full day. Modules 1,2 and 3 are presented in the morning, and Modules 4 and 5 in the afternoon. Module 5, with its negotiating and reporting sessions, is the longest of the five. Lunch is included.

LES100, as with all LES courses, is taught by LES member volunteers who are active practitioners in their fields.

The LES100 Training Course will be followed by the LES B&I 2019 Annual Conference & AGM on Tuesday, 18th June 2019. The conference will be held at the AMBA Hotel Marble Arch.

World IP Day Dinner 2019

Date: April 25, 2019
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Location: Amarone Edinburgh (13 St Andrew Square, Edinburgh, EH2 2A

The theme for World IP Day 2019 is Reach for Gold: IP and Sports.

We are delighted to present our key note speaker, David Nichol, who is Head of Legal at Crystal Palace FC.  David will talk about his career to date and how his current role supports Crystal Palace both on and off the pitch.

2019 Legal Update Meeting

Date: March 14, 2019
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Location: Vue Cinema Piccadilly (19 Lower Regent Street, London, SW1Y 4LR)

Please join us in the comfort of cinema seats for our popular Annual Legal Update Meeting. As is the focus of this meeting, we will try and bring everyone in the business of IP and IP transactions up-to-speed with a series of talks focussing on what’s new and relevant, delivered by a panel of expert speakers.

Among other things, the panel will:

  • look at developments in contract and licensing law over the past year and how they inform contract drafting
  • take a stock-take of patent litigation over the past 12 months;
  • address the practical application of cases such as Actavis v Lilly, Generics v Teva, Fisher & Paykel v ResMed and more;
  • consider questions such as when is a licence an exclusive licence which has come up in a number of recent cases;
  • look at Swiss Form claims (Warner Lambert v Generics) and Arrow declarations (GSK v Vectura);
  • main impact of changes to trade mark laws following implementation of the latest changes to EU law; look at the big issues in trade marks at the moment and how things may be impacted by Brexit (deal or no-deal) which professionals including transactional lawyers need to know
  • what’s hot in competition law and policy at the moment; the impact of decisions such as Coty and risk areas associated with vertical restraints in licence agreements; and the new geo-blocking regulation
We are thrilled to announce our Speakers:

Contracts – Gina Bicknell, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer

Patents – Antony Craggs, D Young

Brands – John Colbourn, Wiggin

Competition – Sophie Lawrance, Bristows

Irish Chapter Reception

Date: March 7, 2019
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Location: The Spencer Hotel (Excise Walk, IFSC, Dublin 1)

Come and learn more about LES and have a say in future Irish events!

Building on the success of the LES Britain & Ireland Annual Conference which was held at Trinity College last year, the purpose of the event is to encourage members across the Irish IP community to come and learn more about the society and to provide input into future plans and events for the Irish chapter.

The evening will kick off with a drinks reception including a short presentation by Simon Chalkley, current President of LES B&I, and Dr. Samantha Williams, Licensing Manager at Trinity College, Chair of the Irish Chapter.  Attendees will then be encouraged to socialise and brainstorm ideas for future events over a very informal dinner.

The event is open to existing members of LES and non-members. We would love to see you!

We are extremely grateful to MacLachlan and Donaldson for their generosity and support in agreeing to cover the cost of the hotel venue and to Pinsent Masons for sponsoring the drinks reception.

“Challenges and Opportunities in Protecting a Global Brand”

Date: February 28, 2019
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Location: Womble Bond Dickinson (4 More London Riverside, Greater London, SE1 2AU)

Speaker: Lia Young, Caterpillar UK

Have you ever wondered about the opportunities and challenges arising in protecting a major global brand? Caterpillar ® is a major US based diversified company with 2017 revenues in excess of $45 billion. With a large licensee division and significant IP portfolio, join us for a talk about the Cat ® brand and how the in house trademark team support the protection of a brand valued at $5 billion by Interbrand ®.

Lia Young is Senior Corporate Counsel and leads Caterpillar’s trademark efforts in Europe, Russia and the Middle East. She is a solicitor and chartered trade mark attorney and based in Peterborough at one of Caterpillar’s engine facilities she has worked at Caterpillar for over 20 years.

LES B&I “IP Law Update 2018”

Date: December 11, 2018
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Location: Dom's Tavola Calda (40-42 Deansgate, Manchester, M3 1RH)
North West

North-West Seminar & Meal

Speaker: Guy Tritton, Hogarth Chambers

Guy Tritton is an experienced intellectual property practitioner with a substantial and broad practice ranging from patents, copyright, designs through to franchising, competition law and commercial disputes. He has appeared in most tribunals including the High Court, Court of Appeal, Supreme Court, Court of Justice of European Union, European Patent Office, the Trade Mark Registry, VAT Tribunal and Crown Court.

He is widely regarded as having a very hands-on and commercial attitude to cases. In early years, he had an extensive criminal practice which honed his advocacy skills. He is now a Grade A Inner Temple Advocacy Teacher and his skills as a cross-examiner have often been remarked upon. He is also Chief Examiner of the CIPA Litigation Skills Course.

LES Members  – £40
LES Member Guest £50
(must register with LES Member)

Non Members – £60

The cost includes meal with wine

“IP Law Update 2018”

Date: December 11, 2018
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Location: Dom's Tavola Calda (40-42 Deansgate, Manchester, M3 1RH)
North West

North-West Seminar & Meal

Speaker: Guy Tritton, Hogarth Chambers

Guy Tritton is an experienced intellectual property practitioner with a substantial and broad practice ranging from patents, copyright, designs through to franchising, competition law and commercial disputes. He has appeared in most tribunals including the High Court, Court of Appeal, Supreme Court, Court of Justice of European Union, European Patent Office, the Trade Mark Registry, VAT Tribunal and Crown Court.

He is widely regarded as having a very hands-on and commercial attitude to cases. In early years, he had an extensive criminal practice which honed his advocacy skills. He is now a Grade A Inner Temple Advocacy Teacher and his skills as a cross-examiner have often been remarked upon. He is also Chief Examiner of the CIPA Litigation Skills Course.


Non Members – £60

LES B&I “Aspects of IP Licensing” with Sir Robin Jacob

Date: November 28, 2018
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Location: Radisson Blu Portman Hotel (22 Portman Square, London, W1H 7BG)
Seminar & Meal

Speaker: Rt Hon. Sir Robin Jacob, LES Honorary President

LES Britain & Ireland are delighted to invite you to attend what we hope will be the perfect ‘kick off’ to the festive season. We are extremely privileged that Rt Hon. Sir Robin Jacob, LES Honorary President, has agreed to be our guest speaker on what promises to be a most engaging topic!

The evening will start with a networking reception followed by a three course dinner and Sir Robin’s presentation.

Sir Robin Jacob practised at the Intellectual Property Bar from 1967.  From 1976 to 1981 he was the Junior Counsel for the Comptroller of Patents and for Government departments in intellectual property.  He was appointed Queen’s Counsel in 1981.    He was appointed to the Bench in 1993.  From 1997 to 2001, Sir Robin was Supervising Chancery Judge for Birmingham, Bristol and Cardiff and then was appointed as Lord Justice of Appeal in October 2003.   In the Court of Appeal he regularly sat on both IP and commercial cases.

Sir Robin formally retired from the Court of Appeal in May 2011 to take up his current appointment but continued to sit from time to time in Court of Appeal until April 2016.  He acts as an arbitrator, mediator and expert witness both in IP and commercial cases.  He is also a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and a member of the following arbitral bodies LCIA, WIO, ICC, SIAC, KLRC and HKIAC.

LES B&I Round Table Discussion

Date: September 19, 2018
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Location: Venue - Bristows LLP 100 Victoria Embankment, London, EC4Y 0DH

“What do you need to know regarding IP and IP transactions to do business in Brazil?”

The session will be hosted by a highly experienced IP lawyer in Brazil, Tatiana Campello, Partner, Demarest Abagados and will focus on practical advice to foreign investors about what they need to do before doing business in Brazil, with respect to intellectual property and IP transactions.  Tatiana will consider licensing and franchising transactions and issues such as remittance of payments to offshore licensors.

Tatiana Campello is a highly experienced lawyer who specialises in advising clients on using IP as a business tool across a range of industry sectors including IT, media, fashion, automotive, retail, food & beverage, sports and entertainment.  She has been a partner of law firm Demarest since 2006 and chairs the firm’s IP group. She is rated highly in leading peer review guides including IAM250 – the World’s Leading Patent & Technology Licensing Lawyers who described her as ‘among the best in Brazil; excellent in licensing, with talent for strategy and related areas such as tax’.  A Past President of LES Brazil, Tatiana is currently a Vice President of LES International. Her full bio can be viewed at https://www.demarest.com.br/en-us/advogados/tatiana-campello.

LES B&I 2018 Annual Conference & AGM – Dublin

Start date: June 21, 2018
End date: June 22, 2018
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Location: Trinity College.

“International Best Practices in Technology Transfer”

We are delighted to announce that this year’s Annual Meeting will head to Dublin, Ireland for a one day plenary conference which will be held at Trinity College.  The final programme will be released soon but we can promise an event packed with interesting and thought-provoking talks from a range of speakers from business leaders, University technology transfer offices and IP professionals.

We are thrilled to announce our Speakers:

Jeanne Bolger
 Vice President Venture Investments, Johnson & Johnson Innovations

Peter Bolger
– Partner Intellectual Property, Technology & Privacy, LK Shields

Alison Campell OBE
– Director, Knowledge Transfer Ireland (KTI)

Hayley French
– Commercial Director, Apitope

Chris Horn
– Venture Partner, Atlantic Bridge University Bridge Fund

Jenny Horsfield
– Senior Vice President Business Development, Carrick Therapeutics

Scott Johnstone
– CEO, Benenox

Jeanne Kelly
– Partner Intellectual Property, LK Shields

Laura MacDonald
– General Manager, ASTP Proton Knowledge Transfer Europe

Brian McCaul
– Director of Innovation, Queens University Belfast

Angela Miller
– Senior Business Manager, LifeArc

Fiona Nicolson
– Partner, Bristows LES International President-Elect

François Painchaud 
– Partner, Robic LES International President

John Power
– CEO, Aerogen

Ena Prosser
– Partner, Fountain Healthcare Partners

Jeremy Skillington
– Vice President Business Development, Inflazome

Jacinta Thornton
– Associate Director, NUI Galway

Emily Vereker
– Senior Patents and Licensing Manager, Trinity College Dublin

Sherree Westell
– Solicitor, Woodroffes Solicitor

Please click here to view the preliminary programme.

There will be opportunities for networking around the Conference.  All registrants are cordially invited to join us for informal drinks in a local hostelry on the eve of the Conference and there will be a will be a Gala Dinner which follows the main conference on the Friday evening (bookable separately).

The main conference will be preceded on 21st June by our LES100 Training Course, “Commercialising IP through the power of Licensing”, to be held at Trinity College. Further details and registration can be found here.

The Welcome Reception will be held on Thursday, 21st June 2018 (6.30pm – 8.30pm) at  Buskers Bar at Temple Bar Hotel, 46-47 Dame St, Dublin, Ireland

The Gala Dinner will be held on Friday 22nd June 2018, 7pm for 7.30pm at The Mont Clare Hotel, 1-4 Merrion Street Lower, Dublin 2, Ireland

For information on older events please contact the admin office by email les@northernnetworking.co.uk